Monday 17 October 2011

My Own Ideas

  1. My first idea is to have the main character as a desperate woman who is looking for 'Mr. Right'. However she goes about it the wrong way. For my title sequence I want her character to be in silhouette and I want her behavior to be like a spy. I would then want the camera to zoom into her glasses whenever she sees a potential man and it will turn into a point of view show as if she's looking through a pair of in-fared goggle, like she's tracking him down.
  2. My second idea is about a really good looking guy who gets plenty of attention that decides that he wants to go find himself. That is by travelling the world and finding the most beautiful girls he can (rom-com). For title sequence the main character will be a stick figure that keeps walking along and as he's going by famous sight around the world will keep going past and so will many girls that fall head over heels in love with him.
  3. My third idea is about a man who's like a puppet master and he controls women, money, work and much more. For the title sequence I'm going to have a real person holding puppet strings and as the camera tilts down you'll see him controlling everything and everyone.

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